PanAm Energy
Empowering Agriculture
Greenhouse Operations with Natural Gas
can provide a Safe, Reliable and
Conscionably Profitable Food Supply with a Near-Zero Carbon Footprint
PanAm is an explorer for and a developer of oil and natural gas and industrial minerals, now in the pro-cess of altering its operations to ESG-acceptable enterprises in order to comply with expected regulations as they pertain to Fossil Fuel use in future.
PanAm has unilaterally begun to curtail "Exploration" and will move forward only with development of Gas fields with proven producing or proven non-producing reserves.
PanAm will take delivery of its own natural gas and use it for eco-friendly endeavors such as Greenhouse and Vertical Farming operations, as well as Electrical Power generation and Hydrogen production.
PanAm Energy
WELCOME..................... JOIN US

Greenhouse Operations with Natural Gas
can provide a Safe, Reliable and
Conscionably Profitable Food Supply with a Near-Zero Carbon Footprint

Our Transition Pledge:
to transform our Company from its core business of Exploration for and the Development of Fossil Fuels to -
"an ESG - sensitive Developer and End-user of hydrocarbons by, eliminating new exploration, - and then primarily developing only proven-producing and non-producing Natural Gas Reserves"

Our Transition Strategy To A Sustainable Future
(Parts 1 & 2)
Following is our plan to transform what has been
a traditional Oil and Gas "Exploration and Development" Company into an end-user of Energy striving towards a timely transition to a
Near -Zero Carbon Footprint by stopping our "Exploration" efforts and only developing Natural Gas reserves classified as "Proven" going forward.
Our Traditional way of Operating as an Oil and Gas Explorer, Developer & Marketer
(1) We Use Three Dimensional (3D) Seismic data, when available, to define subsurface structural and stratigraphic anomalies,
(2) Information from wells previously drilled in PanAm's areas of interest, combined with seismic interpretation is used to create, (3), Maps to pinpoint initial exploratory drilling locations.
(4) Drilling begins.
(5) Once drilling confirms the mapping or, preferably even before and while exploratory wells are being drilled, efforts are made to acquire additional Mineral Rights [aka - "Lands"].
(6) Again, utilizing seismic data and geological and depth information from old well logs a development drilling program is designed.
(7) After the reservoir is developed the surface leases around the newly built facilities are restored to their original condition.



The Exploration for and the Development of
Oil and Natural Gas
has been and, in general, still is a
Profitable Endeavor.
"The Problem is", if a company genuinely wishes to transform its operations away from fossil fuel but, unlike major integrated oil companies, has no control over marketing [i.e., recovering its sunk exploration and other past expenditures at the pump], how can such a transformation be achieved without major capital losses for its shareholders, i.e., the
"Past Risk Takers".
Part 2
Part 1
Technologically Driven Solutions
to Delineating Proven plus Probable Oil and/or Gas Reserves



"The Answer is" - the non-integrated fossil fuel producer must find an end-use for its product - in our case "Natural Gas" and use it to produce food, and/or some other products, in an ESG-acceptable manner, thereby creating a marketable line of commodities.
Greenhouse Operations with Natural Gas
can provide a Safe, Reliable and
Conscionably Profitable Food Supply
with a Near-Zero Carbon Footprint.
Ancillary Products are: Electricity & Hydrogen
Our Strategic Path to a Sustainable Future - Part 2
Via the Transition From
Exploration and Development

To (2) No New Exploration and to, Primarily,
Developing Proven-producing and Proven plus Probable non-producing Natural Gas Reservoirs only
PanAm and Partners will
(3) Develop Gas Fields (4) Process & Store and (go to 5)

Greenhouse Operations with Natural Gas
can provide a Safe, Reliable and
Conscionably Profitable Food Supply
with a Near-Zero Carbon Footprint

(5) Deliver
The Group's own Natural Gas Reserves to its own "Focused" End-use Enterprises, such as:
Greenhouses and Vertical Farming Facilities
Electrical Power Generation Installations
CO2 Capture and use for improved Plant growth
Heating of Greenhouses and other operations
Hydrogen production

The Exploration for and the Development of Fossil Fuels, though deemed unpopular now,
has been and, in general, still is,
a Profitable Endeavor
"The Problem now is", if a company genuinely wishes to transform its operations away from fossil fuel but, unlike major integrated oil companies, has no control over marketing [i.e., recovering its sunk exploration and other past expenditures at the pump], how then can such a transformation be achieved without major capital losses for its shareholders, i.e., the "Past Risk Takers".
"The Answer is" - the non-integrated fossil fuel producer must find an end-use for its product - in our case "Natural Gas" - and use it to produce food or some other essential product(s) and, then must also achieve to do this in an ESG-acceptable manner, to create a marketable commodity.
Greenhouse Operations with Natural Gas can provide a Safe, Reliable and Conscionably Profitable Food Supply
with a Near-Zero Carbon Footprint.
Ancillary Products are: Electricity
& Hydrogen
Natural Gas
Powering Agriculture
(1) As per our Pledge, PanAm will not engage in any new Exploration,
Instead, the Company will only develop reserves, proven via prior rounds of drilling & other geological means
(2) PanAm will focus its efforts on Natural Gas for use at its own designated Agricultural enterprises..
After processing - only "responsibly sourced" gas is accepted.
know a little more about you.
Next Generation Technologies
Strategy with First Nations

(4) Natural Gas
and/or Electricity, owned by PanAm and Partners, in excess to the Group's needs, can be sold into the
general market and the power grid.
(5) PanAm is in negotiations with First Nations to form Joint Ventures to place certain Agricultural enterprises on land they currently control, as well as on lands not yet owned but, which in future, they might wish to acquire.
(3) PanAm and Joint Venture Partners, via the use of straddle plants, can access their own natural gas to generate electricity.
Co-generation processes
can capture and use heat, CO2 and be utilized to produce Hydrogen
(6) For planned operations, including Greenhouses, on First Nations' Land, see also Item 6 in Part 2 of the
Sustainable Future Section.

First Nation Partners
Gas & Electricity can be
brought to Homes
and Businesses
Our Strategy Illustrated
PanAm Energy Empowering Agriculture
Hans G. Schmidt
Chairman, Director & CEO
The PanAm Energy Group
Over 45 years of related Resource Development experience with focus on Oil and Gas - Land acquisitions, Geophysical and Petrophysical preparatory work and Project Financing.
Geophysics Section-head at Gulf Oil Canada
VP Research of Brokerage Firm GRG in Quebec
Founder, Chairman & CEO of a Group of Private Companies, focused on Oil and Gas as well as Industrial Mineral Exploration and Development
Assembled Projects with estimated Reserves of: 300⁺million barrels of oil and 1⁺ trillion cu ft of gas
BSc Geol. Engineering,
MSc Geology & Geophysics - University of Manitoba
Our Key Management Personnel
Aaron Taylor
Manager – PanAm Funds
Over 25 years of professional experience in oil and gas and financial services.
Managing director of Rhythm Capital Corp.
Downstream fuel supply roles for Exxon Mobil subsidiary, Imperial Oil Limited, including operations of bulk fuel facilities and supply coordination between fuels marketing and refineries.
Oilfield acquisition assessments for Newalta.
President and UDP of a financial services Exempt Market Dealer overseeing reviews, administration and sales of over $100 Million annually in private investment offerings.
BA University of Winnipeg, MBA Saint Mary’s University in Halifax, Nova Scotia
Neil Cusworth
Manager – PanAm Funds Land Acquisition
Over 35 years of Oil and Gas experience as a Professional Landman
Former President of the Canadian Association of Petroleum Landmen
Area Landman for Canadian Natural Resources acting as key negotiator on over 25 corporate acquisitions
District Landman for an Exxon Mobil subsidiary, Imperial Oil Limited, involved in strategic acquisitions
Senior Landman for Apache Canada in land negotiations in both Alberta and British Columbia
Bachelor of Business Administration, Petroleum Land Management - University of Oklahoma
Carl C. von Hohenzollern
Director - PanAm Energy Group Manager - PanAm Funds Agricultural Services
Over 20 years of business experience
Significant involvement and hands on experience as an Officer and General Manager of a major farming, operation and land management enterprise
Engaged in the evaluation of development, operating and marketing phases for renewable and sustainable energy and agricultural projects in Europe and North America.
Graduate of the Agricultural Institute Sigmaringen, Germany

Recent Developments
PanAm Energy and Samina Enterprises, a First Nation controlled Corporation, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding. Proposed is:
That a multi-phase investment concept be put forward that will concentrate on utilizing primarily natural gas for the generation of electrical power and heating of "Vertical Farm" operations and "Greenhouse" facilities
That Samina gather First Nations who support the strategy to participate, at their option, with PanAm/Samina in investing in the concept, if they so desire, on lands they now control, as well as on new lands they might in future wish to add to their holdings
That PanAm will create and register for sale, in Canada, Units of an Exempt Market Offering [process already in place] and, as well, establish limited partnerships for Land Acquisition and Development purposes geared for accredited investors both in Canada and Offshore to provide
equity financing (see Financing Structure
schematic below).
left to right
Hans Schmidt Chairman & CEO PanAm
Darren Rea COO Samina Enterprises
Alvin Manitopyes CEO Samina Enterprises
Aaron Taylor CEO Rhythm Capital Corp.
[PanAm - Administration]

The Beginning (2025)
Vertical Farming Training.
2026 and forward .... Expanding to - Greenhouses
and Vertical Farming
111-7th Avenue NE.
Calgary Alberta
Canada T2E 0M6
Tel: 1 (587) 433 9555
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and Information
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© 2025 by PanAm Energy Development Corporation.